How to Fix Xbox One Mic Not Working Issue – Easy Ways in 2023
Many Xbox One users are facing an annoying problem with their devices: the microphone on their controller is not working properly. When they try to use their headset to talk to their friends, this happens. When you face this problem, you may get irritated. The mic in your headset won’t record your voice.
You can hear what your friends are saying, but they can’t hear what you are saying. As a result, you cannot communicate with your friends! Xbox One mic not working problem you encountered. Sometimes it may be wi-fi connection issues also. However, you should not worry. It is still possible to restore your microphone’s performance. You can use the following instructions to get started.
1. Check Your Xbox Profile Settings:
Because your profile settings on Xbox One restrict your voice communication, your microphone may be muted. Check your profile settings to see if your account’s microphone is controlled.
- If you are using a child account, you need to sign in to its parent account before proceeding.
- On your controller, click the Xbox button.
- Select Settings and All Settings from the drop-down menus.
- Select Account, then Privacy & Online Safety
- Select View Details & Customize.
- Choose voice and text conversation and then choose who you want to talk to.
- Check to check if you can use the microphone to talk to your friends.
2. Manually Restart Your Xbox One Console:
Your Xbox One mic not working issue may be caused by a problem with your Xbox One console. A full reboot of your console will fix these issues. You can try restarting your Xbox One console to see if that fixes the problem.
- Press and hold the Xbox button on the front until your Xbox One system shuts down completely.
- Unplug the power line from your console and wait about 10 seconds before plugging it back in. This will restart your Xbox One’s power supply.
- Connect your console power source. Then, on the front of your console, press the Xbox button to turn it on.
- Check your mic to see if it works now.
3. Check the Headset:
When the Xbox One mic is not working and can hear but not speak, you should do some basic checks first.
- Check your headphone is properly connected to the controller and that the controller is properly connected to the console. Please disconnect the headset from the controller and reconnect it. As for the controller, please try reconnecting or re-syncing it to the Xbox One console.
- The headset has a mute button to control the voice. Please check the mute button status to make sure it is not muted. Moreover, you should also check the audio settings on Xbox One; Please try increasing the microphone volume a little.
- Test the headset on another controller and test the controller on another Xbox One console to rule out physical issues.
4. Improve Your Internet Connection:
Other than changing your internet plan or ISP, there are a few tweaks you can make to make the connection on Xbox more stable.
Here are the steps:
- Press the Xbox button on the controller
- Go to Profile & System
- Select Settings
- Go to General
- Select Network Settings
- Select Advanced Settings
- Write down your connection data (IP address, subnet mask, gateway address). You will use the data later, so don’t lose it. ipv4 information
- On the left side, go to IP Settings.
- Select Manual
- Enter the same IP address you wrote down, but add 50 or 100 to the last digit. For example, if the address is, the final result will be
- Press Enter and type the same subnet mask
- Press Enter and type the same gateway number.
- Go back to advanced settings
- Enter the DNS settings
- Add a public DNS
- Press Enter
- Test your connection
5. Power Cycle the Console:
Power cycling the console helps eliminate random bugs between the console and peripherals. Press and hold the Xbox button on the front of the console for 10 seconds on your android device. This will close the console completely.
- Unplug all its cables for 20 minutes. It resets and cools down the power supply.
- Press and hold the power button for 10 seconds to drain the renaming power.
- Plug all its cables back in.
- Turn on the console and test your mic
6. Adjust the Party Volume Settings:
Next, you need to fix the party chat volume:
- Press your controller’s Xbox button
- Go to parties & chats
- Choose a party
- Expand the party roster
- Select each party member and verify their volume sliders
- Move the volume sliders if you need to.
Additionally, you can check if others have muted you or if you’ve muted others:
- Back to Parties & Chats
- Expand the party
- Choose a party member
- Select Unmute if the option is available
We hope that your issue related to the ‘Xbox one mic’ error has been resolved using the above-mentioned solutions. If you found this article useful, leave a comment below. Still, have doubts? Say it here.